Δευτέρα 1 Ιουλίου 2013

My blog selections of the day...!

Here we are... I opened my blogloving page and here is what I loved most today...

Isn't she REALLY good? One of the first blogs I followed
(Εξαιρετική! Ένα από το πρώτα blogs που ακολούθησα!! )

Χρώματα, κοχύλια και σχοινιά! :) 
Colors and shells! 

Ok... Maybe it's the chanel bag, maybe the shoes or...jeans? I really love this outfit!!
And look at the jwellery! 

Οκ... Πιθανόν να είναι αυτή η chanel τσαντα (ΤΗ ΘΕΛΩ!!!), ίσως τα παπούτσια ή μήπως το ..τζιν? Πραγαματικά, υπέροχο outfit!! 
Και δείτε και τα κοσμήματα!!! Τα δημιουργεί μόνη της! :) 


Και για το τέλος σας άφησα....

Το πλήρες blog post θα το βρείτε....εδώ:
Προσωπικά βρίσκω πολύ ροκ και chic την ίδια στιγμή το συνδυασμό του κλασσικού λευκού-μαύρου, σε κάπως ανδρόγυνο λουκ, ενώ παράλληλα το δερμάτινο μποτάκι και το καπέλο, μαζί με τα δερμάτινα στοιχεία του κολάν το κάνουν εξαιρετικά ροκ και chic! 
Personally, I find it really rock and chic in the same time... The combination of classic black and white in a more masculine style as well as the leather spots on collants and the leather booties make it soooo rock! 
Don't forget about the hat! It gives a "diva" touch!

Until next post,

Πέμπτη 2 Μαΐου 2013

Perfect photo-competition, awarded with a SUPERB camera!
Do you want to join?

Do You Want a D800 or 5D Mark III?

click the hyperlinked words below...

Big thanks to the SnapKnot wedding photography directory for offering this great camera giveaway!

Good luck everyone! 

Τετάρτη 1 Μαΐου 2013

Και στα ελληνικά...

Μήπως άραγε μόνον τα αγγλικά δεν είναι τρόπος επικοινωνίας; Μήπως θα ήταν καλύτερο να γράφουμε και στα ελληνικά, μιας και πρόκειται για ελληνικό blog; 
Τα συμπεράσματα δικά σας. 
Πάντως νέα αρχή...για πολλοστή φορά..:p
Ας δούμε λοιπόν τα πράγματα από την αρχή. 
Ονομα: Fishbone 
Ετών: 18
Φοιτήτρια Ιατρικής.

Διαχειρίζομαι e-shop με προϊόντα mac, σχεδιάζω ρούχα και αξεσουάρ και διακοσμώ all star, t-shirts, κτλ...
Καλή αναγνωση και διασκέδαση στο blog μου! 

Maybe, english isn't the only way to communicate. Maybe it would be better to type in greek too, as this is a greek blog. 
Make your own conclusions.
Anyways, new beginning! Again...
Let's start from basics...
Age: 18
Medical student

I run an e-shop with mac products, I design clothes and accessories and I decorate all star, t-shirts, etc...
Happy reading and have fun in my blog!

Πέμπτη 17 Ιανουαρίου 2013

Salad with mushrooms, Formaela and pesto.

How many times have I told, I'm gonna blog, I'm gonna make videos every ....(place a number in the gap) days, I'll do lot's of things that I have tried, I liked and I have stopped because of my studies.

Well, studies are still on, I do have a very very very difficult program, especially these days, concerning that I'm in a difficult university, studing medecine and I want to be good at it! 

Because I LOVE IT! 

And unfortunately, or fortunately I do want to do LOTS of things!! 

Let's start...
I want to have a great body, I think of going to gym again (I used to swim..) 
I want to have a great house, I need to clean and decorate...
I want to eat healthy, I should cook...

So, let's start with my cooking things! 

Today I just made a great recipe, salad!!!
I love salads! They remind me of summer...!
yeah, I know it's not a reason to love them, but I DO..! 

with cooked mushrooms, 
"Formaela" (A local greek cheese from Arachova) 
and pesto.

Yummy!!! :) Isn't it delicious?? (the cheese especially!)

You will need:

~Salad (whatever you like, I use premade salad from Lidl )
~Mushrooms (can, or even better, fresh ones..!)
~Tomato (small one...)
~Mozzarella (I use mini, but it can be done with regular one too)
~Corn (if you like...)
~Pesto sauce 

Not a great pic, but anyway....

How to do it..:

1) Wash and cut the salad, and the tomato. (wash it carefully!!! And if possible eat biological veggies)

2) Warm up some olive oil (or not... if you don't want and you have a green pan...)

3) Fry the cheese until it melts or it becomes "golden".

4) Add mushrooms.

5) After some moments put in a small spoon of pesto sauce.

6) Serve it over the salad.

7)Enjoy your meal.! 

Easy, tasty, healthy and less than 10mins needed. Perfect for students! (I know...)

After you have eaten half of it..:p